Brown Spots on the Skin Causes


Brown Spots on the Skin Causes and Treatments Have you ever noticed the appearance of brown spots on the skin? What is the nature of these brown spots? Is it dangerous? Brown spots appear on the skin sometimes to cause concern for some, so what are these spots? And what are its causes?

Brown Spots on the Skin Causes

Here are the main reasons for the appearance of brown spots on the skin:

  1. Sunshine

Brown spots on the skin sometimes appear as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight, and these spots often appear on the parts of the skin that are most exposed to sunlight, such as: the face, hands, and arms.

  1. Hormonal changes

Melasma usually affects women as a result of hormonal changes in their bodies that cause the appearance of brown spots, and women often get melasma during pregnancy.

  1. Side effects of medicines

Some medications cause the appearance of brown spots on the skin as a side effect, such as: Brown spots on the skin: causes and treatments, tetracycline drugs, and antipsychotic drugs.

  1. Infections

Brown spots sometimes appear as a result of the body’s exposure to infections, such as: eczema, psoriasis, or acne.

Brown spots on the skin causes and treatments
Brown Spots on the Skin Causes
  1. Autoimmune diseases

The human body begins to attack the cells of the body itself when suffering from autoimmune diseases, so that some of the symptoms of these diseases are related to the appearance of dark spots in different parts of the body.

There are many diseases that change the color of the skin, such as: lupus erythematosus and Graves’ disease.

  1. Allergies

Some people develop allergies due to exposure to different substances found in food or plants, which lead to the appearance of dark spots, which sometimes appear like burns.

The most common type of allergy that causes dark spots to appear is eczema, in which dark brown spots appear that peel off over time – Brown Spots on the Skin Causes.

  1. Age spots

There are brown spots that appear on the human skin with age, but what many people do not know is that these spots are caused by exposure to the sun for a long time and not only because of age.

Age spots are often common around the age of 50, and are more common in people with fair skin.

What should I do when brown spots appear on the skin?

The cause of brown spots on the skin is often not serious and not a cause for concern, and it is often not a reason to seek treatment. Some doctors prescribe creams that can be applied to brown spots in order to treat them, which require a long time to achieve results Brown Spots on the Skin Causes.

There are also many modern techniques that can be used to remove brown spots, such as: chemical peels, or laser treatment, Brown Spots on the Skin Causes and ointments containing hydroquinone or retinoic acid are effective in treating dark and brown spots.

When can brown spots be considered dangerous?

Although the brown spots that appear on the skin are not dangerous, a person must monitor the extent of the brown spots growing in diameter, changing their shape, or changing their color.

The change in the color of the spots, their number, or the increase in their size may sometimes be a sign of skin cancer, Brown Spots on the Skin Causes especially when there is a hereditary history in the family or the number of brown spots exceeds forty in the body.

It is worth noting that intense exposure to sunlight and tan rays increases the chances of developing skin cancer, and a doctor should be consulted immediately if new brown spots appear or a change in the nature of the existing brown spots and this continues for several weeks.

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