How to calculate body mass and ideal weight


How to calculate body mass and ideal weight? the method of calculating body mass and ideal weight, ideal weight varies according to several factors from a person’s height, gender, the composition of both fat and muscle, and body shape. Age in determining body mass, and so on, and through the reference site, we will learn how to calculate body mass and ideal weight. 

How to calculate body mass and ideal weight
How to calculate body mass and ideal weight

How to calculate body mass and ideal weight

A healthy or ideal weight is the weight that matches the person’s height and age, and maintaining it is extremely important, as the person primarily avoids many diseases or contributes to controlling them, in addition to granting vitality and energy, and increasing the person’s sense of self-satisfaction, not to mention Regarding the importance of the ideal weight for the whole body, people who are obese or overweight are more likely to have several health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, How to calculate body mass and ideal weight breathing problems, and some types of cancer. Weight They usually don’t get enough calories to fuel their bodies, and these people can often be malnourished.

How to calculate body mass

Body mass can be calculated using the Body Mass Index (in English: Body Mass Index), otherwise known as BMI, which is a tool used to assess body weight about its length, and to determine the level of obesity, and it can be calculated by dividing body weight in kilograms by the square of its height in meters, and the equation is In metric units as follows:

For example, if a person’s weight is 54 kilograms, and his height is 1.62 meters, then the BMI is equal to 20.4 kg / m², and this means that the person falls within the range of normal weight appropriate for his height, How to calculate body mass and ideal weight where the normal BMI ranges between 18.5 and 24.9, and is used BMI chart to classify people in four ranges, namely: thinness, normal weight, overweight, and obesity. How to calculate body mass and ideal weight BMI can be used as a good and appropriate measure to know obesity for most people, but it does not provide accurate and actual information about body composition such as the amount of muscle, bone, and fat. , and other tissues.

Indications for BMI results

The results of the body mass index indicate the extent to which the body weight is compatible with its height, as this indicator determines the weight classification within the thinness range, meaning that the person suffers from underweight, or within the obesity range, meaning that the person is overweight, or within the ideal and healthy weight range Thus, if the body mass index is outside the range of the ideal weight index, How to calculate body mass and ideal weight the body’s health is more at risk, and its owner may be exposed to many health problems, and it should be noted that the body mass index is used to express the different weights for both sexes from the age of 20 years and over, and in what The following table shows the body mass index values, weight classification, and the meanings of these values:

How to calculate the ideal weight

Specialists point out that there is no ideal and healthy weight for all people, as the ideal weight varies according to a person’s height, gender, How to calculate body mass and ideal weight body fat distribution, muscle fat percentage, and body shape, but there are several different equations to calculate the ideal weight, and these equations determine weight One per person, and therefore specialists prefer to determine a range of healthy target weights, and the following equations can be used to roughly measure the ideal weight:

  • Ideal weight formula for women: ideal weight in kilograms = 45 + 0.9 x (height in centimeters − 150 centimeters)
  • Ideal weight formula for men: ideal weight in kilograms = 48 + 1.1 x (height in centimeters − 150 centimeters)

Electronic calculation of ideal weight

Certainly, it is not possible to determine a single ideal weight for all people, as a group of different physical structures affects the determination of the ideal person’s weight, and its comprehensiveness cannot be established for all persons, but several mathematical or electronic methods help determine the approximate ideal weight for people, but these methods Determine one ideal weight, while it is preferable to have a target body weight range, and one of the disadvantages of this method is that the ideal weight cannot be applied to demographic factors such as determining the percentage of fat, height, body shape, How to calculate body mass and ideal weight and others, and the ideal weight can be calculated electronically through the web calculator through the following steps :

  • Enter the website for calculating the ideal weight “ from here ”.
  • Enter the weight in kilograms into the first rectangle.
  • Enter the length in centimeters into the second rectangle.
  • Click on the Calc tab.
  • It will show you how much normal weight is appropriate for your height, and how much you need to reach the ideal weight.

Tips to reach the ideal weight

There are several tips to lose or gain weight and reach the ideal weight, and among those tips, are the following:

  1. Doing exercise regularly. Regular exercise helps burn calories, build muscle, and maintain weight as well.
  2. Eat fruits and vegetables daily and always, as they contain fiber that helps you feel full.
  3. Eating breakfast and not ignoring, as it helps to start the metabolism process, burn calories in the body, and give the energy to perform more activities during the day.
  4. Reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates, as these carbohydrates are fast-digesting and do not contain fiber and nutrients, leads to weight gain.
  5. Eat fewer calories that contribute to weight gain.
  6. Reducing screen time, as people who use screens are more likely to be overweight due to lack of physical activity.

Here we have come to the end of our article, How to calculate body mass and ideal weight, where we have highlighted how to calculate body mass index and ideal weight, and several tips to reach the ideal body weight.

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