The natural shape of the nose from the inside


The natural shape of the nose from the inside there is no doubt that the nose is one of the very important organs in the human body, as it performs many vital functions that are related to the natural breathing process and that help preserve human life and not endanger it, and the nose performs the function of smell, which leads To the hatred of some smells and the approval of others, and in the context of talking about the nose, the reference site is interested in highlighting the natural shape of the nose from the inside, while explaining the functions of the nose in some detail.

The natural shape of the nose from the inside
The natural shape of the nose from the inside

The natural shape of the nose from the inside

The natural shape of the nose expresses the nose completely free of congenital defects of various kinds that many people suffer from. The natural nose is also free from septal obstruction, deviation of the natural course, The natural shape of the nose from the inside or deviation of the natural paths, which may be difficult to treat, as the inner cavity of the natural nose is divided into two main parts So that the natural nose contains three natural oysters, all of which appear in the following:

  • Ethmoidal conjunctiva: This natural diverticulum is located directly above the nasal turbinate, and therefore it is located above and behind as well.
  • Superior nasal meatus: The meatus is located directly under the nasal turbinate, especially the one at the top, and therefore it is called the superior nasal meatus.
  • Middle nasal meatus: The middle meatus is located under the nasal turbinate in the middle of the nose, and the nasal cartilage surrounds the nose, which is called the vestibule.

Deviated nasal septum

The deviation of the nasal septum, especially the natural one, occurs during a severe shift in the thin wall between the nasal passages of only one side of the nose. The natural shape of the nose from the inside It should be noted that many people suffer from this serious problem, which results in many serious complications that also result from the displacement of the nasal passages, All these complications appear in the following:

  • Blockage of the nose on one side leads to difficulty in the normal access of air to the brain.
  • Having severe difficulty breathing.
  • Serious bleeding may last for some time and is caused by dry air that enters the nose through the nasal passages.
  • Having serious swelling may need to take a group of medical treatments or medications as soon as possible to help expand the nasal passage and then dispense with surgeries.

Symptoms of a deviated septum

Many symptoms confirm a deviated nasal septum that may need surgery, and all of these symptoms appear in the following lines:

  • Blockage of one or both nostrils: This results from the asymmetry between the nostrils, which leads to the inability to breathe normally and properly, and these symptoms increase when suffering from respiratory diseases or severe colds and flu.
  • Nosebleeds: It occurs if the nasal septum is dry and inhales a large amount of dry air, which leads to serious bleeding that may need prompt medical intervention.
  • Facial pain: Many people feel severe pain on one side of the face, and this results from the injury of the nasal septum with many serious problems, The natural shape of the nose from the inside as contact with surfaces leads to great pressure on the face, which leads to pain.
  • Loud breathing during sleep: A deviated nasal septum may result from severe congestion in the tissues inside the nose, which leads to relatively loud breathing during sleep periods.
  • Awareness of the nasal cycle: the obstruction of the nose changes from one side to the other through what is called a nasal cycle, and many specialist doctors confirm that the nasal cycle is only a clear indication of a deviated nasal septum.
  • Sleeping on a certain side: Many people prefer to sleep on one side only, as these people resort to this side until the breathing process takes place naturally and comfortably, and this happens when a blockage in one of the nasal passages or when the nasal septum deviates.

Causes of a deviated nasal septum

Many main reasons lead to a deviated nasal septum, which may need rapid surgical intervention, and all of these reasons appear in the following:

  • Congenital malformations: Many people develop a deviated nasal septum during the intrauterine growth process, and then these people are born with this problem that requires them to take intense care and take appropriate medical treatments for this.
  • Exposing the nose to a specific injury: Violence, The natural shape of the nose from the inside wrestling, and various car accidents are among the most important reasons that lead to the risk of developing a deviated nasal septum, as this affects the natural and internal shape of the nose.

Risk factors for a deviated nasal septum

Many risk factors result from having a deviated nasal septum, and all of the risk factors appear as follows:

  • When doing a dangerous sport that requires serious physical contact and for an extended period.
  •  If you do not wear a seat belt, especially while driving a car.

Complications of a deviated nasal septum

Many serious complications require prompt medical intervention, especially when a deviated nasal septum is present. All of these complications appear as follows:

  • Constant feeling of dryness in the mouth area, and results from constant breathing through the mouth and not from the nose.
  • Severe congestion in the various nasal passages leads to pain that may be difficult to control.
  • Insomnia and interrupted sleep for long periods, as this is caused by not breathing normally, which leads to a lack of rest.

How to prevent a deviated nasal septum?

Many simple methods must be adhered to protect the body in general and the nose in particular from the risk of developing a deviated nasal septum, The natural shape of the nose from the inside and these preventive methods appear in the following:

  • A helmet must be worn while doing any dangerous sports.
  • It is necessary to put on a seat belt to protect against various car accidents and the resulting many problems in the nose area.

Nasal septal deviation treatment

Many wonderful treatment methods help to get rid of the problem of deviated nasal septum and the resulting serious symptoms and complications, The natural shape of the nose from the inside and these treatment methods appear as follows:

  • Surgical operations that target the incision of the nasal septum help to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.
  • Removal of bone and cartilage that affect the normal breathing process.
  • Surgical plastic surgery is one of the best of these operations at all, as it helps the treating doctor in rhinoplasty and gets rid of the problem of the deviated nasal septum.
  • This type of operation takes only an hour or two, and the patient must resort to anesthesia so that this is done naturally and is completely painless.

Nose jobs

The nose performs many vital and necessary functions, The natural shape of the nose from the inside and all of these functions appear in the following:

  • Breathing: The natural nose has many hairs, cilia, The natural shape of the nose from the inside as well as enzymes that help in completing the breathing process naturally and healthily.
  • Smell: The nose contains a large group of neurons that prepare the nose for the process of smelling in a calm and problem-free manner.

At the end of this article, The natural shape of the nose from the inside we have known the natural shape of the nose from the inside, and we have clarified the serious complications resulting from a deviated nasal septum that needs surgical intervention many times.

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